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For Beginners

Studio Etiquette

  • Please arrive at least 10-15 minutes early for your class to allow time to sign in at the front desk and get settled into the studio. The studio doors close once class begins. Late students will be allowed one minute before their spot is given and will not be let in to protect other students. 
  • If you must leave early, please find a spot near the door, and always do so quietly and before savasana (final relaxation), which is typically the last 3-7 minutes of class. 
  • Always remove your shoes before entering the studio.
  • Observe quietly in the studio before, during, and after class. This is a quiet space and many students use the time prior to and after class as an opportunity to stretch and/or meditate.
  • No cell phones will be allowed in the studio. Not even on vibrate or silent as the vibration and light may disturb other students.
  • Take rest or water whenever you need it; always honor your body.

Frequently Asked Questions